Monday, August 25, 2008

Our first appointment!

Dear baby,

Today your dad and I went to our first doctor’s appointment. It was so exciting to go and meet one of the doctor’s who might help bring you to us. His name was Dr. Jacob. He was a really nice man and he helped us so much. Dr. Jacob said that I am 8 ½ weeks along, which is so exciting. He checked to make sure that you are growing to be the right size, and you are! The doctor said that we could be expecting you around April 2nd and we can hardly wait! We go back in 4 weeks to meet with another one of the doctor’s. I am so excited for our next appointment so that we can learn a little bit more about you. Your dad and I love you so very much and can hardly wait to hold your tiny little body in our hands! I love you…

Love, Mommy