Monday, March 30, 2009

Dear Son,

We only have 2 days left until your due date! Can you believe that? I am just finishing up things around the house for you to come home. Oh my am I excited! I can hardly even sit still because I am so anxious. I am so anxious to hold you and kiss you and see what you look like. I am so anxious for your dad to hold you and for us to be a wonderful little family. You mean the world to me and I can hardly wait to show you how much I love you. This past week has been a little tough. I can barely walk, I wabble around like a 90 year old woman. Dad has been laughing at me as I try to walk around…it’s funny to him! He is so great at helping me get around and is so thoughtful! We are so excited for you to come home to us. I took another picture last night so that you could see what you looked like inside of mommy right before you came out. This is me at 40 weeks. I sure hope you decide to come out soon.

We sure love you son!

Love, Mommy

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dear Son,

Today you hit you are 39 weeks along! I can’t even believe it. Your dad came with me to my doctor’s appointment this morning . The appointment went well! I just can’t believe that we are so close to being done. It’s hard waiting around everyday wondering when you will decide to come out. I hope you come play with me soon. I would love so much if you came in a few days, but you probably wont. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Please come out soon!

I love you so very much!

Love, Mommy

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dear Son,

I am so sorry for my lack in writing to you the past couple months.  Things have been a little crazy as your father and I are trying to get everything ready for you.  We bought you a huge pack of diapers from Costco the other day.  The diapers have cute little monkeys on them…they are so cute!  The other day I bought you some special Q-Tips for your ears that are especially for babies.  I also got another basket for your bedroom and bought some binkies.  I finished making your name for your room.  That sure was a fun little project.  I bought some special baby detergent for your clothes and I am going to get those all washed along with your blankets so everything can be nice and clean for you.  Your dad and I put the car seat in the car, and I set up your stroller.  Boy am I anxious for you to get here!  I have been designing all sorts of baby announcements this last week so I can have the perfect announcement for you.  That sure has been a lot of fun for me.

You are so strong!  You kick like you can’t imagine.  Your favorite thing to do is to kick me really hard up against my right ribs.  The other day you were pushing your little heel out towards my belly button and then rolling your foot forward.  I could feel your entire foot and that was amazing.  Your dad really enjoyed feeling you do that.  The next day you decided to play a little game with me.  You were kicking out one of your feet, and then I would touch it and you would hide it and kick out your other foot.  So then I would go feel that foot, and once again you would hide it and switch feet.  You kept doing this over and over again.  I was just laying on my back playing the game back with you and you kept making me smile and laugh.  You are one smart little guy!  My body is in so much pain these days.  You are laying so low down in me that my pelvic area and legs are so sore.  I can barely walk or move.  I wabble around the house because my legs hurt so bad.  Your dad has to help me into bed because I can’t even lift up my own legs.  I feel so helpless.  I can’t do anything.  I think about you all day long, wondering when you are going to come out and play with me.  We only have ten days left until you are due.  I am hoping you decide to come early but I am sure you won’t.  Everyone is so anxious to meet you.  Your Grandma Richards is coming down here in a few days to help me with everything.  Oh are we excited for you to come home!  Please come out soon…I sure love you!

Love, Mommy

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dear Son,

It feels so unreal to be counting down the days until you come.  I remember back when I found out I was pregnant, I was so scared.  Your dad and I had JUST gotten married and it for sure wasn't in the plans.  I soon started getting very excited as I thought about having you in our family.  I remember my first doctors appointment, how excited and frustrated I was.  I was so angry and upset that I wasn't going to be able to listen to the heartbeat or get an ultrasound...but I was so excited to have my first appointment.  I remember those early days how I would walk into the doctor's office and feel so out of place.  Everywhere I looked there were women who were so pregnant and there was me, not even showing yet.  I remember thinking how askward it would be when I started showing and thinking I would never reach that point.  The next appointment was our 12 week appointment and I remember hearing your heart beat for the first time.  Tears of joy just ran down my face as I laid there listening.  I then hopped off the bed and hugged your father and couldn't let go.  I remember so vividly the day that I thought I lost you.  I remember the instant pain in my heart and the uncontrollable sobs.  I remember going over to your aunt and uncles house.  Your dad and Uncle Scott gave me a blessing.  What a sweet blessing your dad gave me and the love I felt.  We then went to the hospital and I remember them trying to hook me up to the IV and them wheeling me into a room to get the ultrasound.  I was so nervous to find out if you were still alive.  Right away we saw the heart flickering and it was the best feeling.  That night we also found out that you were a BOY!  I remember the excitement I felt, I swear nobody could wipe that smile off my face!  I remember when I started to finally show and how jealous I was of the women further along than me...which was everyone!  I remember reading my friends blogs and looking at their pictures thinking I would never ever get to that point.  A lot of my friends have now had their babies and I enjoy reading updates and looking at the pictures.  I remember about two weeks ago when you wouldn't move.  I was so nervous.  It was one in the afternoon and you hadn't moved or kicked once.  No matter what I tried to do to you to move, you wouldn't budge!  Thoughts started running through my mind of what I would do if I lost you.  Pain attacked my heart of the thought of it.  You mean the world to me, and I was not about to lose you!  I remember your Aunt Maria rushing me over to the hospital and your dad met us there.  They hooked me up to the machines and we heard your heart beat still going strong...and then you decided to start moving around like crazy.  I guess you thought it was funny to be a little stinker and play a cruel joke on mommy that day.  Well here I am now, laying on the couch, posting this post.  You are awake right now and enjoying kicking me in the side.  I am 37 weeks along and I have 20 days left until you are due.  I am one of those pregnant women I used to be jealous of.  Where did the time fly to?  This is so unreal.  This is so exciting.  This is so scary.  This is so PERFECT!

I love you!

Love, Mommy