Friday, December 26, 2008

Dear Son,

Today we picked up your furniture for your bedroom.  It took a lot of help to get it from the store to your room.  Your dad, your grandpa Bennett, your uncle Scott, and uncle Jon helped me out.  It was so wonderful to get everyone’s help carrying the huge boxes.  Dad and I spent all afternoon setting up the crib and the rest of the furniture.  Your crib took about an hour and a half to get all set up and then the rest was so easy.  I still need to get some decorations for the room and get it all ready for you.  Your bedroom sure is looking great though.  I took a nap in your room tonight.  I just sat in the chair and couldn’t stop thinking about you, and then I just fell asleep.  I have been sitting in that chair all night.  I just love you so much and I bet I will be spending the next three months sitting in that room, waiting for you! 

Yesterday was Christmas and I wish you were here for it.  Your Grandma and Grandpa Richards bought you so much clothes and I can hardly wait to dress you in them.  Your Grandma bought you this cute bodysuit that says, “Property of Mom FOREVER!”  When I saw it I almost started crying.  I just want to hold you so bad and take care of you.  Christmas was so great!  I am using my Christmas money to get a video camera so that we can take lots of fun videos of you.  That will be so fun.  Your Daddy bought 2 suits for church with his money and they look so nice.  We really wish you were here with us for Christmas!  Next year you will though and you will be 9 months old.  Oh I can hardly wait! 

I love you!

Love, Mommy

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Buying you toys!

Dear Son,

We started ordering some of your furniture this week.  It has been so much fun buying all sorts of fun things for you.  The other day I ordered your dresser and nightstand and the glider chair for your nursery.  Then last night your dad and I went to babies r us to get some more stuff.  We ordered your crib and bought the mattress to go inside and also your bedding.  I sure hope you like it.  The bedding looks so comfortable for you.  We also got your travel system so you can go everywhere with us.  What a travel system is, is your stroller and car seat that attach together.  Your father and I picked out a really nice one that will keep you very safe.  You should have seen your daddy in the store last night.  He was having so much fun with all the toys and pushing around the strollers.  He was making us all laugh.  I wish you could have seen it.  You are just going to love your dad so much, and he is getting so excited to play with you.  Your furniture should start coming in really soon.  I am hoping it will come in by Christmas so we can start setting up your room for the holidays.  Your Grandma and Grandpa Bennett are coming here for Christmas this year and I would love for them to be able to see your furniture.  Everyone is getting so excited for you to come and meet them.  I sure love you son!

Love, Mommy

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dear Son,

You are really starting to kick a lot.  Last night was so fun.  I just laid in your dad’s lap on the couch and we both felt you kicking so much.  When your dad feels you kick, his face lights up and he smiles.  He sure loves you a lot.  I laid there for over an hour and just felt you moving over and over again.  One time last night when your dad put his hand on my stomach, you kicked a few times in a row.  He said, “Wow, he sure kicks you a lot!  It looks like we have a little soccer player!”  Some days you are so active and move all day and never stop.  Other days you don’t move very much.  I just love laying there on my back and feel you kicking and rolling!

We have picked out all of your furniture for your room and we are going to start ordering it here pretty soon.  We just had Thanksgiving, it fell on your dad’s birthday this year.  Christmas is coming up in a couple weeks and right after Christmas I am going to clean out your bedroom.  I am so excited to put your room together so I can sit in there and wait for you to come.  I am so anxious to hold you and I can’t stop dreaming about you.  I am getting close to my third trimester, which means I don’t have too much longer.  I just love you so much and can hardly wait! 

Love, Mommy

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

21 week picture

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We are half way there...

Dear Son,

We are now officially half way done!  As of today I am 20 weeks along and we have 20 more weeks to go.  It is so fun to know that I am half way there to holding your precious little body in my arms.  I can hardly wait for that moment! 

Last night your dad was holding his hand on my stomach, trying to feel you kick.  You aren’t kicking really strong yet so I thought it would be awhile longer until he could experience it.  Well after a few times of him holding my stomach, you kicked and he finally got to feel you.  It was such a wonderful night for me because now your dad can start experiencing the pregnancy with me.  It has just been you and I for the past 20 weeks, and now your dad is included.  How wonderful is that?  You are going to love your dad.  He is so funny and goofy and I know he will play with you constantly.  I know you two will be the best of friends!

I can hardly wait for tonight when I lay in bed.  I just lay there and hold my stomach and enjoy feeling you play inside of me.  I love you so much son!  I know you are just going to be the most wonderful thing ever and I can hardly wait for you to come to us!

Love, Mommy

Monday, November 10, 2008


Dear Son,

Today has been such a great day!  It’s my day off from work and I have been able to just relax .  This afternoon I felt something so strange inside my stomach and this time I KNOW it was you.  I kept feeling you over and over again and then it stopped.  Well you just started moving around again a few minutes ago.  I can feel you right now as I am writing to you.  I wish that it was strong enough for your daddy to feel, but it isn’t yet.  So he will just have to wait and I can enjoy you by myself!  I wish I could describe what it feels like but there are no words!  Pretty soon you will start kicking all over the place and I will be able to see you move!  It sure is fun to feel you move.  You have been so active today and I guess you are just having fun playing inside of mommy! 

I love you so much!

Love, Mommy

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another picture of your cute little face!

Dear Son,

Today we had another ultrasound.  I was so excited all morning, anxiously waiting for the appointment so I could see you again.  (It’s like waiting the night before Christmas for Santa to come!)  The whole appointment you just stayed curled in a little ball.  You would move your legs a little bit, but you never moved out of your tight ball.  The ultrasound lady kept bouncing my stomach to see if you would move but I guess you were just too comfortable!  Once during the ultrasound you moved your arm around and it looked like you were waving to me.  It brought the biggest smile to my face!

You are growing well and your heart beat is strong. The lady said that you just looked perfect!  I know I tell you a lot, but I want to tell you that I love you so very much.  Sometimes my body hurts a lot, but I would never trade you in for anything in this world.  You mean so much to me and I can hardly wait to hold you. 

I love you son!

Love, Mommy

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What a growth spurt!

Dear Son,

        I just wanted to show you your little growth spurt you just hit.  I feel like I just woke up the last two days and all of a sudden my belly grew.  I don’t know where it came from.  I am almost 18 weeks along at this point.  Man are you starting to grow.  I can hardly wait to feel you moving around.  I love you so much! 

Love, Mommy

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So anxious!

Dear Son,

I am now 16 weeks along as of today.  We are getting so close to be half way done!  My stomach is starting to get a little bit bigger because you are growing so much.  I have been on bed rest the last week and will continue for two more weeks.  I am trying to take care of you because your health is so important. 

Often I find myself laying down and with my hands on my stomach.  I just lay there and think about you, craving you to finish growing so I can hold you!  Words cannot describe how much I love you.  The other day I felt the strangest feeling in my stomach and it was so strong.  I am pretty sure that it was you that I felt, but I haven’t felt it again so I am not positive. 

I just wanted to tell you that we love you so much and can hardly wait for your arrival.  Your entire family is so excited and I know that your grandma’s are dying to meet you.  They both ask about you and I know they can hardly wait to hold you like your Father and I…

I love you!

Love, Mommy

Friday, October 10, 2008

Today we had an ultrasound!

There is your little face!  This was an ultrasound taken at 15 weeks.  We love you!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What a scary day!

Dear Son,

Today I had such a scare. Your father and I thought we lost you. It seemed as if I was having a miscarriage because of some complications today. I was so scared and lost control. I wanted you to come to our family so bad and couldn’t think of losing you. We called our doctor and he said we needed to go to the Emergency Room right away and get an ultrasound. Well we saw your heart beat flickering in the picture and saw you moving around! It brought so much joy to me to know that you were okay. We asked the doctor during that ultrasound if they could see if you were a boy or a girl yet and she could. She told us that you were a boy! Your dad and I were so excited because we were hoping for a boy first so you could protect your little sisters. We just love you so much and are so glad you are okay!

Love, Mommy

Monday, September 22, 2008

Your heart beat

Dear Baby,

We had another doctor’s appointment this morning. Today was very special for your dad and I because we were able to hear your heart beat for the first time. In those few moments that we listened to you, my heart stopped beating and tears starting flowing down my face. Let me tell you…it was the best feeling in the world! Your heart was beating so fast and so many thoughts were going through my mind. I thought of what you were doing right now in my stomach, and what you looked like. I also was dreaming about holding you in my arms and your father and I singing to you and tickling you. Oh, how great it will be to have you in our lives.

We met one of the other doctors today, his name was Dr. Gamette. He sure was a nice man, and as soon as he walked into the room, I instantly felt a connection to him. He looked and acted like my Grandpa Tanner. He cracked some funny jokes like your great grandpa does, you sure are going to love him! It is really great to meet a new doctor each appointment so that I know all of the doctors when you come. I can hardly wait for that day to come!

I wish words could describe the feelings that I felt when we listened to your cute little heart beat today. As I sit here a couple hours later, I can still hear the beating in my head. I remember every detail of your heart beat, and I every time I think about it, it brings tears to my eyes. I can’t even tell you how much I love you. It’s great to know that you are my child, and that I am going to be your mom. I love you so much. As soon as Dr. Gamette left the room, I jumped down off the table and gave your father a huge hug. I just stood there in his arms and cried on his shoulder. Oh how much I love you, and I know that your daddy does too…

See you soon!

Love, Mommy

Monday, August 25, 2008

Our first appointment!

Dear baby,

Today your dad and I went to our first doctor’s appointment. It was so exciting to go and meet one of the doctor’s who might help bring you to us. His name was Dr. Jacob. He was a really nice man and he helped us so much. Dr. Jacob said that I am 8 ½ weeks along, which is so exciting. He checked to make sure that you are growing to be the right size, and you are! The doctor said that we could be expecting you around April 2nd and we can hardly wait! We go back in 4 weeks to meet with another one of the doctor’s. I am so excited for our next appointment so that we can learn a little bit more about you. Your dad and I love you so very much and can hardly wait to hold your tiny little body in our hands! I love you…

Love, Mommy

Monday, July 28, 2008

And here comes the sickness...

Dear Baby,

My body is really starting to change already. I am starting to feel pregnant. The last few days have been tough… I am feeling weak, tired, and my stomach hurts. I feel really bad because I am starting to get moody. I have to keep apologizing to your dad because I haven’t been very nice. All of this is just the start of the pregnancy and I hear it will get worse. It’s crazy how tired you make me. I wake up, and I am so tired for the rest of the day. My legs feel weak, and I feel so heavy. I haven’t felt hungry the last few days, I keep feeling like I just ate. Everything I am feeling is totally worth it for you. Your dad has been so great through all my mood swings and craziness. He is such a trouper…you will love him!

Love, Mommy

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Your family knows

Dear Baby,

We told your grandmas and grandpas, and your aunts and uncles of your arrival. Of course there was shock of the news and concern of us being such a new family, and then there came excitement. Your dad and I know that everything will be okay, and that we will always find a way to support you. Your mom now needs to find a doctor to help us through the pregnancy to make sure that you come out healthy and perfect. I am so excited for this blessing of having you in our lives. We promise to do everything we can to make you happy and show you our love…

Love, mommy

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


So it has been are coming! We took four tests at home and they all came back positive and then we got a real test taken this morning. They say that you may be coming to our family on April 3, 2009. I guess how they count your pregnancy is that you start your pregnancy on the first day of your previous period. So, that means I am now four weeks along. It's crazy how that works. Your dad and I are so excited and a little scared, but we know that everything works out the way that it should. We love you!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

You're going to be a dad!

I found out yesterday I was pregnant. You're dad and I have only been married three weeks as of yesterday. I was feeling like maybe I was pregnant because I started feeling a few symptoms, so I decided to take a test to find out. The test was a little unclear but was showing that I was indeed pregnant. I had to think of a way to tell your daddy that you were coming (seeing that we are such a new family and I didn't know how he would react). I put together my plan and went shopping and then to bed.

I woke up this morning at 7:15 and started making breakfast for dad. I wrote on a plate (that I bought last night) a poem from you to him. This is what it said...

I do not have a face to see, or to put inside a frame.
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss, I don't yet have a name.
You can't yet hold my tiny hands, nor whisper in my ear.
It's still too soon to sing a song, or cuddle me so near.

But all will change soon whenever I am due...
I'm you new child and I can't wait to meet you!
All I ask between now and then, is your patience while I grow.
I promise I'll be worth the wait, because of all the love we know.
So what I have to give you now, is a wish to you from me.
I cannot wait to be a part of this great new family.

I covered the plate with a homemade Belgium waffle, sausage, bacon, and strawberries. I filled up a cup with orange juice, and another with milk (those are your dad's favorites to drink in the morning). I have a breakfast in bed tray and I piled it with all the breakfast. I walked into the bedroom and laid the tray in his lap. He started eating his food and discovered the poem. He started reading it aloud and by the middle of the second line he knew what was up...

we are having a baby! :) After he finished reading the poem I handed him a present. He opened it up and inside the box was a bib that says, "I love daddy", two pairs to baby socks (one pink and one blue because we don't know yet if you are a boy or girl), and the pregnancy test I took. When dad opened the box he was very taken back. It took him a few minutes of taking everything in, and then he got so excited! We are so excited that Heavenly Father is giving you to us, that he sees us fit as parents to love you and teach you. Even though we are such a new family, we have so much love and can hardly wait to share it with you. We love you so much!