Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We are half way there...

Dear Son,

We are now officially half way done!  As of today I am 20 weeks along and we have 20 more weeks to go.  It is so fun to know that I am half way there to holding your precious little body in my arms.  I can hardly wait for that moment! 

Last night your dad was holding his hand on my stomach, trying to feel you kick.  You aren’t kicking really strong yet so I thought it would be awhile longer until he could experience it.  Well after a few times of him holding my stomach, you kicked and he finally got to feel you.  It was such a wonderful night for me because now your dad can start experiencing the pregnancy with me.  It has just been you and I for the past 20 weeks, and now your dad is included.  How wonderful is that?  You are going to love your dad.  He is so funny and goofy and I know he will play with you constantly.  I know you two will be the best of friends!

I can hardly wait for tonight when I lay in bed.  I just lay there and hold my stomach and enjoy feeling you play inside of me.  I love you so much son!  I know you are just going to be the most wonderful thing ever and I can hardly wait for you to come to us!

Love, Mommy

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