Dear Son,
I am so sorry for my lack in writing to you the past couple months. Things have been a little crazy as your father and I are trying to get everything ready for you. We bought you a huge pack of diapers from Costco the other day. The diapers have cute little monkeys on them…they are so cute! The other day I bought you some special Q-Tips for your ears that are especially for babies. I also got another basket for your bedroom and bought some binkies. I finished making your name for your room. That sure was a fun little project. I bought some special baby detergent for your clothes and I am going to get those all washed along with your blankets so everything can be nice and clean for you. Your dad and I put the car seat in the car, and I set up your stroller. Boy am I anxious for you to get here! I have been designing all sorts of baby announcements this last week so I can have the perfect announcement for you. That sure has been a lot of fun for me.
You are so strong! You kick like you can’t imagine. Your favorite thing to do is to kick me really hard up against my right ribs. The other day you were pushing your little heel out towards my belly button and then rolling your foot forward. I could feel your entire foot and that was amazing. Your dad really enjoyed feeling you do that. The next day you decided to play a little game with me. You were kicking out one of your feet, and then I would touch it and you would hide it and kick out your other foot. So then I would go feel that foot, and once again you would hide it and switch feet. You kept doing this over and over again. I was just laying on my back playing the game back with you and you kept making me smile and laugh. You are one smart little guy! My body is in so much pain these days. You are laying so low down in me that my pelvic area and legs are so sore. I can barely walk or move. I wabble around the house because my legs hurt so bad. Your dad has to help me into bed because I can’t even lift up my own legs. I feel so helpless. I can’t do anything. I think about you all day long, wondering when you are going to come out and play with me. We only have ten days left until you are due. I am hoping you decide to come early but I am sure you won’t. Everyone is so anxious to meet you. Your Grandma Richards is coming down here in a few days to help me with everything. Oh are we excited for you to come home! Please come out soon…I sure love you!
Love, Mommy